
quick and easy easter outfits

Is it really Thursday already?! With Easter coming this Sunday I still hadn't picked out Addie's Easter outfit. So a Target run was on my to do list today. I grabbed these adorable bright colored dresses for only $10 and the white button up cardigan only $13! I love when Cherokee goes on sale! I already had most of the outfits so it made it easy and cheap. The first outfit only cost me $23 and the second outfit cost me $38. The brown flower sandals were $14.99.  Of course I have to have a necklace with one outfit. Addie picked that necklace out her self.
Are you wondering why Addie has two Easter outfits? Jeff's family celebrates Easter on Saturday and my family celebrates it on Sunday. And a girl can't wear the same outfit 2 days in a row hehe.

Saturday Easter with Jeff's family
Easter day with my family
If you are like me and haven't picked out your little lovies Easter outfit head on over to Target and snag some great deals while you are at it! Maybe it pays to wait till the last minute!

Picture one:
+ White cardigan sweater
+ Grey and lilac Dress
+ Black & white clip bow

Picture two:
+ Teal chevron print dress
+ Brown flower sandals
+ Dot print clip bow

links i've liked this week

1. I've been wanting to get some salt water sandals for Addie, found some for $22

2.Sketch pens are new to Silhouette America. I have a little Silhouette Portrait machine that I use to make vinyl labels. I can also use it for making so much more but haven't tried everything out yet! Can't wait too. You can go here to see what type of projects you can do with the pens.

3. There is this website called groopdealz and they have a lot of cute clothing, jewelery or things for the home for a cheap price. Love looking at all the new things they add.

4. Old Navy has a really cute spring collection for toddler girls.

5. I've been loving succulent plants and want to put some around my house. Ive been getting ideas on pinterest. Here is my pinterest board.

6. Sweet Little Peanut blog has so many cute ideas for your little ones. The little Easter party they had was so bright and cheery for kids.


pregnant with #2 lovie

Happy Tuesday. I can't believe I am already 33 weeks pregnant! Tuesdays are the day my new week starts. We only have 7 weeks left and we will be holding baby lovie soon! It is so crazy how fast time goes. Especially having a little toddler running around and keeping me busy! It seems like we were just announcing that I was pregnant with Addie.
As time goes on my belly only seems to be getting bigger and bigger...well to me anyways. I have A LOT of people telling me that I am so small or "you are due in May? I was going to guess August!" Or "is your baby growing ok?!" Haha! I just tell them thank you and smile. I got the same thing while pregnant with Addie. I've also been getting and I got it with Addie is "oh you must be having a boy?" I guess it's because I am carrying high?! Wouldn't we be surprised if we had a boy =) ! We have a name picked out just in case.
33 weeks
In the very beginning I started taking weekly pictures with a banner that I created and would change the week number every week. BUT as the weeks went on I got more lazy and I could also tell my face getting fatter!!! So I stopped that real quick and just started taking belly shots. I stopped at week 17 but here is week 12 & 13. I will not post week 17 or a timeline for that fact! Haha! It would be a timeline of my face getting bigger and bigger not my belly!
Week 12
Week 13
I haven't had to many cravings. The only thing I do crave are sweets while being pregnant, but who doesn't right?! The baby is the size of a honeydew melon but I feel like I am already carrying a water melon! She moves all the time! Sometimes just rolling and sometimes kicking! She gets the hiccups almost 5 times a day and her last episode will be when I lay down in bed for the night. Those last for a good 20 minutes!! It kind of feels like Chinese right! My feet hurt and my tail bone hurts! Can you tell I'm ready to have this little lovie in my arms? Haha. I am so thankful I have had such a easy pregnancy and a healthy baby. Jeff and I can't wait to hold this little one and can't wait to see Addie holding her and loving on her!

bows and bow ties

My mom and I had an idea to make some knotted kids bows for hair to put in our family kids Easter baskets. I'm not a very crafty person but I love to put bows in my little lovies hair. Since she was born there has always been a flower or bow in her hair. So I wanted to make some for the kids this Easter. My mom and I went to Hobby Lobby(the greatest craft store) got supplies and started sewing little bows. We also made some little boy bow ties to snap on onsies. They are super cute.

I've also added some bows and baby bow ties to my etsy shop. You can click here to check them out. We are going to be adding toddler boy ties as well.
It's been fun being crafty and spending time with my mom. Oh and having Addie girl running around and wanting to help.

dot hair bows
baby onesie with snap boy tie
newborn and toddler headband
*coming soon
black & white hair bows

Thanks for reading and checking out our etsy shop =)

hello spring

Easter is just around the corner. Besides Christmas time, Easter is my favorite holiday. Not just because the air is clear, the sun is shinning, birds chirping and my hubby was a Easter baby but because Jesus died on the cross! We get to celebrate Jesus dying on the cross for our sins and Him raising from the dead. He is alive!

We have one more week till Easter! I love decorating my little mantel for holidays. This year for Easter I went with whites, orange, yellows and peaches.
I made some orange tissue paper tassels for the first time. I found a tutorial on pinterest. And found this cute peach bunny bunting printable banner here. The eggs are my favorite part. Which are made from a close family friend. They are hand dyed and she adds little pearls or Swarovski Crystal diamonds. She also put little pearls all over the cute bunny. I love the colors the eggs add to my mantel. I also wrapped jars with hemp twine. Lastly is the fun Keep Calm and Hop On free printable I got online here.
And Addie had to be in the pictures too =) 

Yay for spring time. Next is adding some flowers around the house.

second birthday coming up

Can't believe we are already planning Addie's 2nd birthday party and that another year has passed. I've been making lists, buying supplies and making invites, banners and food cards. I love being able to design the party. Last year we did a elephant pink themed birthday. I think I went a little over board with the dessert table but everything looked so yummy to make and Addie sure loved all the sweets.
Addie's first birthday
The birthday mantel
Dessert table

This year I didn't really choose a theme, but chose colors as the theme. The colors we are going with are white, navy blue, light pink and little touches of gold. I can't wait to see it all come together. You can click here to take a look at my pinterest idea board for the birthday party.
I posted some pictures as a little peek into the planning =)
The invite
Painting bags
We can't wait to celebrate our little lovies second birthday! Less then 3 weeks left! I will post more pictures after the birthday party.


My name is Elyse and I am a wife to Jeff and a mama to Adelynn Olivia. This is my very first post and want to introduce my self =)

I got married to the most loving husband on May 5th, 2007. We got married, moved into our little place and loved being married. We soon moved out of apartment living and into our own place in 2010. We are very blessed to have a place we can call home. Soon after moving in(one month to be exact) we were surprised to find out I was pregnant with our first daughter. On April 13th, 2011 we welcomed Adelynn Olivia. We call her Addie for short. She is a spunky, loving, smart almost 2 year old. Fast forward 2 years we are pregnant with our second daughter and we couldn't be more excited. Having one child was like having a little best friend. But having a second child seems like we are a complete family =)

I am blessed to be a stay at home wife and mama! I have always wanted to stay at home and take care of the house and be a mama. I love cooking and trying new recipes. Which I plan on sharing on this blog. I love taking care of Addie. Playing with her, watching her learn new things and do little crafts with her. A random fact about me, I like to clean. Haha! I know! I'm weird! There is just something about cleaning a room and knowing that I made clean =) It's rewarding hehe. My husband always says I never sit down. I am always on the go.
I also like to design stuff on Photoshop. Like invites, cards and baby art. I have a etsy shop with just a few things I have designed. You can click here to check it out.
One last thing I love to do is take pictures. I manly take pictures of my little lovie Addie and post a lot a pictures on my instagram account. You can follow me here if you have an account. I only use my iPhone 4 to take all my pictures on instagram. My other cameras I use are either a Nikon D40 or a Canon 5D Mark III. I use that on family outings or vacations =)

If you have any questions or just want to say hi you can email me at

Thanks for taking the time to read my blog and I hope you enjoy seeing pictures of my little lovies and us and random posts about anything and everything  =)

gloomy day

Since today was a gloomy day we stayed inside today. So it called for tea and play time with my little lovie.

Addie usually doesn't play to much with her stuffed animals but today was different. She got her stuffed animals and laid them all out in a line. She thought it was silly making them clap their hands and then she would clap her hands. 
earl grey tea with milk and sugar
She also loves playing in our bed. Hiding in the pillows and playing with her toys in there. Addie especially loves playing in there after I make the bed.

Hope you enjoyed your day, gloomy, sunny or rainy =)

Follow @itselysemarie

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