
happy birthday adelynn olivia

Addie is two today!! Our baby is no longer a baby! She is a little girl. Talking all the time. Always on the go. Climbing on everything. Hanging on everything. Kisses all the time. Big hugs all the time.
I tried to get some pictures of Addie but she wasnt having it. I always think she will listen to me and it will be a fun photo shoot. But I am always wrong! Hah! I at least got one of her smiling at the camera! The last picture I think she was telling me no more mama! So that was it, 15 pictures later we were done.

Oh darling, don't you ever grow up
Don't you ever grow up, just stay this little
Oh darling, don't you ever grow up
Don't you ever grow up, it could stay this simple
No one's ever burned you, nothing's ever left you scarred
And even though you want to, just try to never grow up

first day we brought her home
Look at that little face! We can not believe that it has been 2 years! I have loved watching her learn new things and become her own person. Of course she has her times when she's a little stinker but its all worth it at the end of the day. I love hearing her laugh. Seeing her smile. Play with daddy. Jump around and watch her little fun personality come out.
Happy Birthday Addie! Mama and Dada love you very much!

12 things addie loves

We cannot believe in just 6 short days we wont have a one year old anymore, but we will have a TWO year old! Seriously...where did the time go? Addie is so full of life and we love watching her learn new things! I thought it would be fun to put together a little "circle" of things Addie loves! These are just the 12 things that would fit in this circle that Addie loves. I know it will grow as she talks more and learns more! I wish I could bottle this all up and open it as she gets bigger and older. Since I can't do that I'll write it all down so I can go back to it and read it all =)

loves being outside
loves taking pictures
loves finding rocks and looking for bugs

We are taking in everything she loves and everything she loves to do because we know she is growing fast! We love our little wild, loving, and adventurous girl.

easter saturday & sunday

We celebrate Easter 2 times each year. We do Jeff's family on Saturday and my family on Sunday. It makes it a lot easier since Sunday Jeff has church all day.
Saturday Addie and dada hung out for a little bit while I frosted my Easter cupcakes to take to the families house. We got ready and headed out for our trip to Jeff's aunts in the morning. It was such a nice day to hang out in the backyard, run around and catch up with family.

We headed to my aunts house for Easter Sunday after church. Jeff had a long day at church so it was nice to get to my aunts house on the lake to relax and enjoy some family time, easter egg hunts, opening easter baskets and getting kisses from tata.
a little bit of the fun things addie got in her easter baskets

I hope everyone had a blessed Easter. Happy Easter!

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