"Let me love you a little more before you're not little anymore."
"Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it."
Proverbs 22:6
Cooking with the girls is fun. They want to pour everything, crack the eggs and stir everything. I am trying to make it a point to let the girls cook with me more. Sometimes it's easier to just do everything myself but I know it's good to let them in the kitchen and get their tiny hands "dirty" and cook/bake. Making the memories that will last and the girls can look back on and remember is most important. Don't let their memories be you nagging at them but let those memories count. Let them know you love them. Let them know you want to have fun to. Sometimes that is hard. At least for me. But when I love seeing the girls faces when I say "ok who wants to crack the egg?". They light up and are so excited that they actually get to stir or pour or hold the spoon!
"Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it."
Proverbs 22:6
Cooking with the girls is fun. They want to pour everything, crack the eggs and stir everything. I am trying to make it a point to let the girls cook with me more. Sometimes it's easier to just do everything myself but I know it's good to let them in the kitchen and get their tiny hands "dirty" and cook/bake. Making the memories that will last and the girls can look back on and remember is most important. Don't let their memories be you nagging at them but let those memories count. Let them know you love them. Let them know you want to have fun to. Sometimes that is hard. At least for me. But when I love seeing the girls faces when I say "ok who wants to crack the egg?". They light up and are so excited that they actually get to stir or pour or hold the spoon!
I chose something easy to bake so the kids could really get involved. They poured the mix in, cracked the eggs and poured the oil in. They may even had a little taste of the batter!